Contoh Latihan Soal SNBT 2023 Literasi Bahasa Inggris Lengkap Dengan Jawabannya

Contoh latihan soal SNBT 2023 Literasi Bahasa Inggris lengkap dengan jawabannya - Assalamu’alaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh teman - teman semua. Balik lagi bersama gua disini,,, di mana lagi kalau bukan di Pada artikel kali ini, gua akan membagikan Contoh latihan soal SNBT 2023 Literasi Bahasa Inggris lengkap dengan jawabannya.

Berikut di bawah ini adalah Contoh latihan soal SNBT 2023 Literasi Bahasa Inggris lengkap dengan jawabannya :

6. Topic: Extracting Core Information
The question is based on the following text.
Feline chlamydial conjunctivitis is an infection caused by a bacterial organism (called Chlamydophila felis). The most common signs of chlamydia in cats involve the eyes or the upper respiratory tract (nose or throat), and only when infection is not treated does it spread to the lungs. Because chlamydia lives inside cells of the body and is not able to survive for long in the environment, spread of infection relies on direct or close contact with an infected cat. Following infection, the incubation period (the time between infection and development of clinical signs of disease) is between three and ten days.
The bacteria primarily infects the conjunctiva, which are the delicate membranes lining the eyelids and covering the edges of the eyeballs. The infection causes inflammation known as conjunctivitis. In normal cats, the conjunctiva is not readily visible and has a pale, salmon pink color. In cats with conjunctivitis, the conjunctiva becomes swollen and red, making it more visible. The nictitating membrane or third eyelid in the inner corner of the eye may protrude partially across the eye. One or both eyes may be involved.
Affected cats initially develop a watery discharge from the eyes that quickly becomes thicker and is usually a yellow or greenish color. The eyes are uncomfortable and cats often keep the affected eye(s) closed. Many cats remain bright and otherwise appear normal, but some may develop a fever or lose their appetite. After one or two days, sniffles and sneezing may also occur. In kittens, the infection may spread to the lungs and cause fatal pneumonia.

What does the text mainly deal with?
A. the process of chlamydia affliction in cats
B. an overview of feline chlamydial conjunctivitis
C. clinical signs of feline chlamydial conjunctivitis
D. the symptoms of feline chlamydial conjunctivitis
E. treatments for cats with chlamydia conjunctivitis
Jawaban: B
Soal menanyakan gagasan utama teks. Gagasan utama teks dapat disimpulkan dari gagasan utama setiap paragrafnya.
Paragraf pertama menjelaskan definisi feline chlamydial conjunctivitis serta cara penyakit tersebut menyerang kucing. Paragraf kedua dan ketiga menjelaskan tanda-tanda klinis kucing yang terkena penyakit tersebut. Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa gagasan utama teks yang tepat adalah gambaran umum mengenai feline chlamydial conjunctivitis (an overview of feline chlamydial conjunctivitis).
  • Pilihan A tidak tepat karena hanya merujuk pada paragraf pertama saja.
  • Pilihan C tidak tepat karena teks tidak hanya memuat informasi mengenai tanda-tanda klinis dari feline chlamydial conjunctivitis saja, melainkan juga tentang proses terinfeksinya kucing dengan penyakit ini.
  • Pilihan D tidak tepat karena teks tidak hanya menjabarkan gejala-gejala feline chlamydial conjunctivitis saja.
  • Pilihan E tidak tepat karena teks sama sekali tidak memberikan informasi mengenai cara perawatan untuk kucing dengan chlamydia.
Oleh karena itu, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah B.

7. Topik: Understanding Specific Information
The question is based on the following text.
Feline chlamydial conjunctivitis is an infection caused by a bacterial organism (called Chlamydophila felis). The most common signs of chlamydia in cats involve the eyes or the upper respiratory tract (nose or throat), and only when infection is not treated does it spread to the lungs. Because chlamydia lives inside cells of the body and is not able to survive for long in the environment, spread of infection relies on direct or close contact with an infected cat. Following infection, the incubation period (the time between infection and development of clinical signs of disease) is between three and ten days.
The bacteria primarily infects the conjunctiva, which are the delicate membranes lining the eyelids and covering the edges of the eyeballs. The infection causes inflammation known as conjunctivitis. In normal cats, the conjunctiva is not readily visible and has a pale, salmon pink color. In cats with conjunctivitis, the conjunctiva becomes swollen and red, making it more visible. The nictitating membrane or third eyelid in the inner corner of the eye may protrude partially across the eye. One or both eyes may be involved.
Affected cats initially develop a watery discharge from the eyes that quickly becomes thicker and is usually a yellow or greenish color. The eyes are uncomfortable and cats often keep the affected eye(s) closed. Many cats remain bright and otherwise appear normal, but some may develop a fever or lose their appetite. After one or two days, sniffles and sneezing may also occur. In kittens, the infection may spread to the lungs and cause fatal pneumonia.

One of the symptoms of feline chlamydial conjunctivitis is ….
A. eating disorder
B. laboured breathing
C. low body temperature
D. abnormal eye discharge
E. dysfunctional eye membrane
Jawaban: D
Soal menanyakan salah satu gejala penyakit feline chlamydial conjunctivitis.
Informasi tersebut dapat ditemukan di paragraf kedua dan terakhir. Kedua paragraf tersebut menjelaskan bahwa kucing yang terkena penyakit ini menunjukan tanda-tanda seperti selaput mata memerah dan bengkak, membran niktitan menonjol, banyak kotoran mata berwarna kuning atau kehijauan yang cepat mengental, demam, kehilangan nafsu makan, bersin dan pilek.
Di antara lima pilihan yang tersedia, abnormal eye discharge adalah pilihan yang sesuai dengan informasi tersebut.
  • Pilihan A (gangguan makan) tidak tepat. Kehilangan nafsu makan tidak sama dengan gangguan makan. Gangguan makan adalah kumpulan berbagai penyakit yang berkaitan dengan perilaku makan yang tidak normal seperti makan berlebih atau memakan sesuatu yang bukan makanan.
  • Pilihan B (sesak nafas) tidak tepat. Tidak ada informasi pada teks yang menyebutkan gejala ini.
  • Pilihan C (suhu tubuh yang rendah) tidak tepat. Paragraf terakhir menyebutkan bahwa salah satu gejalanya adalah demam yang berarti peningkatan suhu tubuh.
  • Pilihan E (disfungsi selaput mata) tidak tepat. Paragraf kedua menjelaskan bahwa konjungtiva (selaput membran) kucing terinfeksi berwarna merah dan bengkak serta membran niktitan (kelopak mata ketiga di sudut dalam mata) dapat menonjol. Namun, tidak ada keterangan yang menyatakan bahwa hal tersebut membuat selaput mata kucing tidak berfungsi.
Oleh karena itu, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah D.

8. Topik: Understanding Specific Information
The question is based on the following passage.
Supply chain weaknesses were brought to the forefront during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially for industries relying on electronics, as the flow of raw materials slowed or sometimes stopped. On top of that, shifting consumer values and tougher environmental regulations have resulted in more people buying hybrid vehicles. The batteries in these cars require rare metals that, depending on their supplies, can have volatile and unpredictable prices. However, there are other scarce elements and materials that may be used in smaller amounts in hybrid models versus conventional gas vehicles, raising the question of how these vehicles really compare with regard to supply chain vulnerabilities. Randolph Kirchain and colleagues wanted to develop a comprehensive comparison of the elements and compounds that go into all the parts in gas-powered, self-charging hybrid and plug-in hybrid cars, calculating each of the three vehicles' materials cost vulnerability.
The researchers collected information on the compounds in the more than 350,000 parts used to build seven vehicles from the same manufacturer with different levels of electrification, including four sedans and three sport utility vehicles (SUVs). Then, they calculated the amount of the 76 chemical elements present, as well as a few other materials, in each car type. To develop a monetary metric for vulnerability, the team considered the weight of each component, along with its average price and price volatility between 1998 and 2015. The results showed that self-charging hybrid and plug-in hybrid vehicles have twice the raw material cost risks. The largest contributors to the increase in cost risks were battery-related elements, such as cobalt, nickel, graphite and neodymium. The researchers say that as manufacturers ramp up electric vehicle production to meet demand, reducing raw material cost risks with long-term supplier contracts, substituting some materials or recycling others will be a good idea.

According to the passage, due to the raw components, the buyers will find a hybrid vehicle ....
A. pricey
B. exorbitant
C. invaluable
D. overpriced
E. economical
Jawaban: A
Soal tersebut menanyakan informasi yang tepat tentang pendapat pembeli mengenai mobil hibrida berdasarkan bahan bakunya.
Informasi yang menunjukkan bahan baku mobil hibrida terdapat di paragraf kedua. Pada paragraf tersebut, disampaikan bahwa menurut penelitian, komponen kendaraan hibrida berharga tinggi (The results showed that self-charging hybrid and plug-in hybrid vehicles have twice the raw material cost risks.).
Dengan demikian, dapat diketahui bahwa ketika orang-orang membeli kendaraan hibrida, mereka akan mendapati produk tersebut berharga tinggi sehingga pilihan A tepat.
  • Pilihan B dan D tidak tepat. Kata exorbitant dan overpriced memiliki arti 'di atas harga wajar'. Pada teks memang disebutkan bahwa harga bahan baku kendaraan hibrida tinggi, tetapi bukan berarti harga tersebut di atas harga wajar.
  • Pilihan C (tak ternilai) tidak tepat. Bahan baku yang berharga tinggi akan membuat kendaraan hibrida juga berharga tinggi, tetapi berharga tinggi bukan berarti tak ternilai.
  • Pilihan E (ekonomis atau terjangkau) tidak tepat karena harga bahan baku kendaraan hibrida berharga tinggi.
Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah A.

9. Topik: General Information
The question is based on the following passage.
Supply chain weaknesses were brought to the forefront during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially for industries relying on electronics, as the flow of raw materials slowed or sometimes stopped. On top of that, shifting consumer values and tougher environmental regulations have resulted in more people buying hybrid vehicles. The batteries in these cars require rare metals that, depending on their supplies, can have volatile and unpredictable prices. However, there are other scarce elements and materials that may be used in smaller amounts in hybrid models versus conventional gas vehicles, raising the question of how these vehicles really compare with regard to supply chain vulnerabilities. Randolph Kirchain and colleagues wanted to develop a comprehensive comparison of the elements and compounds that go into all the parts in gas-powered, self-charging hybrid and plug-in hybrid cars, calculating each of the three vehicles' materials cost vulnerability.
The researchers collected information on the compounds in the more than 350,000 parts used to build seven vehicles from the same manufacturer with different levels of electrification, including four sedans and three sport utility vehicles (SUVs). Then, they calculated the amount of the 76 chemical elements present, as well as a few other materials, in each car type. To develop a monetary metric for vulnerability, the team considered the weight of each component, along with its average price and price volatility between 1998 and 2015. The results showed that self-charging hybrid and plug-in hybrid vehicles have twice the raw material cost risks. The largest contributors to the increase in cost risks were battery-related elements, such as cobalt, nickel, graphite and neodymium. The researchers say that as manufacturers ramp up electric vehicle production to meet demand, reducing raw material cost risks with long-term supplier contracts, substituting some materials or recycling others will be a good idea.

How does the author organize the ideas in paragraph 1 and 2?
A. Paragraph 2 exemplifies issues stated in paragraph 1.
B. Paragraph 2 contains a solution to the issue addressed in paragraph 1.
C. Paragraph 2 asserts the weakness of hybrid vehicles explained in paragraph 1.
D. Paragraph 2 reveals the reasons behind the research on vehicles introduced in paragraph 1.
E. Paragraph 2 explains further about research on gas-powered and hybrid vehicles mentioned in paragraph 1.
Jawaban: E
Soal tersebut menanyakan kaitan antara paragraf 1 dan paragraf 2 pada teks.
Paragraf 1 membahas tentang upaya penelitian untuk membandingkan komponen mobil berbahan bakar minyak dengan mobil hibrida. Penelitian ini didasarkan ketidakjelasan dampak yang diberikan kedua jenis kendaraan tersebut terhadap kerentanan rantai pasokan elektronik. Sementara itu, paragraf 2 menjabarkan bagaimana penelitian tersebut dilaksanakan. Dengan demikian, paragraf 2 menjelaskan lebih lanjut tentang penelitian yang disebutkan pada paragraf 1 sehingga pilihan E tepat.
  • Pilihan A (Paragraf 2 mencontohkan masalah yang dinyatakan dalam paragraf 1) dan pilihan B (Paragraf 2 berisi solusi untuk masalah yang dibahas dalam paragraf 1) tidak tepat karena paragraf kedua tidak memberi contoh ataupun berisi solusi terhadap permasalahan yang disampaikan pada paragraf pertama.
  • Pilihan C (Paragraf 2 menegaskan kelemahan kendaraan hibrida yang dijelaskan dalam paragraf 1) tidak tepat. Pada paragraf pertama tidak disebutkan kelemahan kendaraan hibrida sehingga tidak tepat jika dikatakan paragraf kedua menegaskan kelemahan kendaraan tersebut.
  • Pilihan D (Paragraf 2 mengungkapkan alasan di balik penelitian tentang kendaraan yang diperkenalkan pada paragraf 1) tidak tepat karena paragraf kedua tidak menyampaikan alasan di balik penelitian yang disampaikan pada paragraf pertama. Alasan tersebut justru disampaikan di paragraf pertama.
Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah E.

10. Topik: Finding Contextual Meaning
The question is based on the following passage.
Supply chain weaknesses were brought to the forefront during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially for industries relying on electronics, as the flow of raw materials slowed or sometimes stopped. On top of that, shifting consumer values and tougher environmental regulations have resulted in more people buying hybrid vehicles. The batteries in these cars require rare metals that, depending on their supplies, can have volatile and unpredictable prices. However, there are other scarce elements and materials that may be used in smaller amounts in hybrid models versus conventional gas vehicles, raising the question of how these vehicles really compare with regard to supply chain vulnerabilities. Randolph Kirchain and colleagues wanted to develop a comprehensive comparison of the elements and compounds that go into all the parts in gas-powered, self-charging hybrid and plug-in hybrid cars, calculating each of the three vehicles' materials cost vulnerability.
The researchers collected information on the compounds in the more than 350,000 parts used to build seven vehicles from the same manufacturer with different levels of electrification, including four sedans and three sport utility vehicles (SUVs). Then, they calculated the amount of the 76 chemical elements present, as well as a few other materials, in each car type. To develop a monetary metric for vulnerability, the team considered the weight of each component, along with its average price and price volatility between 1998 and 2015. The results showed that self-charging hybrid and plug-in hybrid vehicles have twice the raw material cost risks. The largest contributors to the increase in cost risks were battery-related elements, such as cobalt, nickel, graphite and neodymium. The researchers say that as manufacturers ramp up electric vehicle production to meet demand, reducing raw material cost risks with long-term supplier contracts, substituting some materials or recycling others will be a good idea.

Which of the following best restates the underlined sentence in the first paragraph?
A. Stricter environmental laws and changing consumer behavior have impacted how people buy hybrid vehicles.
B. Changing consumption patterns and stricter environmental laws have deceived hybrid vehiclebuyers.
C. Hybrid vehicle users have been disappointed by environmental rules and eco-friendly vehicle trend.
D. Stricter environmental rules and changing market trends have urged people to use hybrid vehicles.
E. Consumer values and tougher environmental rules reduce the purchase of hybrid vehicles.
Jawaban: D
Soal tersebut menanyakan parafrasa yang tepat untuk kalimat yang digarisbawahi pada paragraf 1.
Terjemahan kalimat yang bergaris bawah adalah 'Selain itu, pergeseran perilaku konsumen dan peraturan lingkungan yang lebih ketat telah mengakibatkan lebih banyak orang membeli kendaraan hibrida.'
Kalimat bermakna sama dengan kalimat tersebut adalah Stricter environmental rules and changing market trends have urged people to use hybrid vehicles, yang terjemahannya adalah 'Peraturan lingkungan yang lebih ketat dan tren pasar yang berubah telah mendorong orang untuk menggunakan kendaraan hibrida.'. Dengan demikian, pilihan D tepat.
  • Pilihan A tidak tepat. Terjemahan kalimatnya adalah 'Undang-undang lingkungan yang lebih ketat dan perubahan perilaku konsumen telah berdampak pada cara orang membeli kendaraan hibrida.'
  • Pilihan B tidak tepat. Terjemahan kalimatnya adalah 'Perubahan pola konsumsi dan undang-undang lingkungan yang lebih ketat telah menipu pembeli kendaraan hibrida.'
  • Pilihan C tidak tepat. Terjemahan kalimatnya adalah 'Pengguna kendaraan hibrida telah dikecewakan oleh peraturan lingkungan dan tren kendaraan ramah lingkungan.'
  • Pilihan E tidak tepat. Terjemahan kalimatnya adalah 'Perilaku konsumen dan peraturan lingkungan yang lebih ketat mengurangi pembelian kendaraan hibrida.'
Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah D.

Itu dia tadi Contoh Latihan Soal SNBT 2023 Literasi Bahasa Inggris Lengkap Dengan Jawabannya. Nantikan informasi – informasi menarik lainnya di artikel berikutnya yang akan datang. Cukup sekian untuk artikel kali ini, kurang lebihnya mohon maaf …
Sampai jumpa lagi, Wassalamu’alaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
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